Payment / Shipping


Payments are accepted via PayPal in advance to the delivery payment on our proforma invoice in advance to the delivery. For more information please contact ARIES Embedded. Every order will be charged with the German VAT of 19% on product- and shipping-cost. In case you intend to avoid paying VAT contact us. Once your order is placed it has to be processed without the possibility to cancel or refund VAT.


Shipments by ARIES Embedded will be provided by using the following carriers: UPS for shipments inside Germany UPS or Fedex for shipments outside Germany Shipping terms: exworks Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany packaging excluded. Shipping cost: € 9,00 (€10,71 incl. VAT) for shipments inside Germany € 30,00 (€35,70 incl. VAT) for shipments to other European countries and Switzerland € 70,00 (€83,30 incl. VAT) for shipments to other countries outside Europe Keine Lieferung an Packstationen oder Postlagernd Delivery Dates All mentioned delivery dates are anticipated dates and shall depend on correct and punctual supply to ourselves. Changes to the specifications or quantities mentioned ini the offering or order may result in altered cost and/or delivery dates.